Kara is a seven-year-old Africangrey parrot who joins her owners for walks in the Scottish Highlands.
Staff at the park hoped the parrots would pick up natural calls from the other Africangrey parrots.
Parrot Proves It's No Birdbrain Alex, an Africangrey parrot, sits on a perch next to a tray of multicolored blocks.
Other worst-hit wildlife included Eastern lowland gorillas in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Africangrey parrot in Ghana, said Price.
Even iguanas, pythons, Africangray parrots and giant turtles have been fought over.
For example, suppose the question is the chance that a Rigelian dollowarrie and an Africangray parrot would be indistinguishable.
Besides vulnerable primates like Mandrills, the Limbe centre rescues dozens of Africangray parrots, one of the world's most trafficked animals, each year.
Africangray parrots evolved their distinctive feet to effectively pick at fruits and nuts.
"And she had this Africangray parrot, Morty," Mr. Marin went on, spearing a latke.